Certutil Command for Linux

Posted on Sun 11 December 2016 in grep

  • View pkcs12 file using keytool

    $ keytool -list -keystore "PATH_TO_P12_FILE" -storepass "P12_FILE_PASSWORD" -storetype PKCS12 -v

  • Create a new certificate database

    $ certutil -N -d .

  • List all certificates in a database

    $ certutil -L -d .

  • List all private keys in a database

    $ certutil -K -d . -f pwdfile.txt

  • Import the signed certificate into the requesters database

    $ certutil -A -n "Server-cert" -t ",," -i server.crt -d . 

  • To add subject alternative names, use a comma seperated list with the option -8 IE:

    $ certutil -S -f pwdfile.txt -d . -t ",," -c "Server-Cert" -n "server1" -g 2048 -s "CN=testuser1,O=testrelm.test"